The Bilateral Agency for Veronese Agriculture, established under a collective agreement between the employers’ organizations and agricultural workers in the province of Verona (Confagricoltura Verona, Coldiretti Provincial Federation, Cia, Fai-Cisl, Flai Cgil and Uila-Uil), has the following aims: the integration of welfare law treatments in case of illness or work related accidents of agricultural workers, the distribution of benefits such as income support to agricultural workers, the promotion of measures to improve security in the work place in the Province of Verona and the promotion of training sessions for workers and companies in the agricultural sector.
Via Sommacampagna, 63 D/E – 37138 Verona
tel. 045 8628811
fax 045 8620883
Viale del Lavoro, 52 – 37137 Verona
tel. 045 8678210
fax 045 8012898
Via Sommacampagna 63 D/E – 37137 Verona
tel. 045 8626248
fax 045 8622317
Via L. Settembrini 6 – 37123 Verona
tel. 045 8674671
fax 045 8010078
Lungadige Galtarossa 22 – 37133 Verona
tel. 045 8096919
fax 045 8032099
Via Giolfino 10 – 37133 Verona
tel. 045 8873117
fax 045 533776