Services for income support

Contributions for the enrolment of children at schools of all levels and for the health care costs incurred by workers.

Income support benefits

Nursery membership contribution:
Contribution of 50% of the total cost, up to a maximum of € 300.

Primary school enrolment contribution:
contribution of 100 euro for the school fee for each child enrolled.

Contribution of junior high school:
contribution of 200 euro each child for junior high school and for the purchase of textbooks.

Contribution of high school:
contribution of 200 euro each child for high school and for the purchase of textbooks.

University enrolment contribution:
contribution of euro 200 for university enrolment of dependent children not off course.

Specific health expenses contribution:
Reimbursement of medical costs incurred up to a maximum of 70 euro per invoice for a total amount of 350 euro for specific medical expenses: Dermatology – Endocrinology – Diabetics Pneumology – Cardiology-Osteopathy.

Social security cushion for laid off permanent contract workers:
Interim assistance equal to one monthly table wage for workers indefinitely laid off for objective and subjective justified reasons.


Maristella Zecchinato
Via Sommacampagna, 63 D/E – 37138 Verona (VR)
tel. 045 8204555
fax 045 4854845

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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