Workers’ representatives for territorial security

A figure of vital importance for the protection of workers and workplaces, the RST will find an essential institutional partner in AGRI.BI to coordinate his or her activities.

AGRI.BI coordinates the activities of Workers’ Representatives for Territorial Safety (RLST).

Farms associated to AGRI. BI with less than 15 employees (counted as ULA) are appointed an RLST if the workers have not elected their own Workers’ Safety Representative (RLS). This appointee performs the same tasks foreseen for the RLS and the most important tasks provided for this figure are:

– That he or she has access to works sites;
– That he or she is consulted beforehand in order to conduct a risk assessment;
– That he or she promotes prevention and protection measures and makes proposals for prevention activities

The activities of the RLST follow precise procedures laid down by the Consolidated Act on Safety (Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent modifications) and by the Management Committee of AGRI. BI composed of employers’ associations’ representatives, trade unions, and associations.


Luca Zanetti
Rappresentante dei Lavoratori per la Sicurezza Territoriale
cell. 3423719995

Filippo Grandi
Rappresentante dei Lavoratori per la Sicurezza Territoriale
cell. 3423700675

Sabrina Baietta
Rappresentante dei Lavoratori per la Sicurezza Territoriale
cell. 3423717870

Via Sommacampagna, 63 D/E – 37138 Verona (VR)
tel. 045 8204555
fax 045 4854845

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